Correction Policy

At Opinionated Indian, accuracy and transparency are the pillars of our journalism. We are committed to correcting errors and ensuring that our readers receive reliable and factual information.

Reporting Errors:

We encourage readers to report any inaccuracies or errors they notice in our content. You can reach out to us via email at Please include the following details in your email:

  1. The title of the article.
  2. The URL of the article.
  3. A description of the error.

Correction Procedure:

  1. Verification: Upon receiving a report, our editorial team will review and verify the error.
  2. Amendment: If the error is confirmed, we will update the article with the correct information as soon as possible.
  3. Correction Notice: A note will be added at the end of the article to highlight the correction and the date it was made.

Transparency in Corrections:

We believe in keeping our readers informed about any changes or corrections made to our content. Significant corrections or updates will also be communicated through our social media channels or newsletters if necessary.

Commitment to Accuracy:

Our goal is to uphold the highest journalistic standards and maintain the trust of our readers. Your feedback plays a crucial role in achieving this.

If you have any concerns or questions about our Correction Policy, feel free to contact us.